miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Video - Millennials

You can now watch the video we talked about in class from here

Course Book

Resultado de imagen de outcomes advanced

OUTCOMES ADVANCED (C1)  (Second Edition) 

Buy the pack (coursebook plus workbook) in order to get the vocabulary builder for the same prize.

Student’s book with Writing Vocabulary, ISBN 9781473765252 
Workbook with Key ISBN 9781305102286 Hugh Dellar & Andrew Walkley National Geographic & Cengage Learning

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Welcome back!

Welcome back! After a relaxing summer, we go back to work and I'm sure you are anxious to see your classmates and teacher again :)
We'll enjoy this course and I'm absolutely sure we'll all learn a lot this year. Pack your stuff and bring your best sense of humour to class. It'll help a lot!
Don't worry of you haven't got the coursebook and workbook yet. You 'll have a few more days to buy them.

This is going to be your first assignment. Watch this inspiring speech and we'll talk about it next Tuesday.
Thank you very much for suggesting this video, Juancho

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2018