domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Chapters 3 - 6

These are the questions you have to answers while reading these chapters:


1. Why did he feel so comfortable in New York but he is sometimes resentful in USA?
2. What does he describe as "a form of mental judo for business"?
3. How does he describe the Underwood Samson elite?
4. What is the Pakistani concept of food?
5. What is the attitude of the American towards beggars in this chapter? And his own?
6. How does he describe himself while he is doing his training period?


1. Why do you think he explained to the American the origin of his scar?
2. How does he react when Erica's father asks him about the situation in Pakistan mentioning facts which appeared in the newspapers?
3. What do you think about Changez's comments to the American when the lights go off?


1. How did his way of treating people at work change when he went to Manila and why?
2. What did he find out when he was riding a limousine?
3. Jim calls him "a shark" and it is intended to be a compliment. Explain.
4. In which way does he think Jim and himself are similar?
5. What is the most shocking confession Changez makes on page 83? (the paragraph begins: "The following evening was supposed to be our last in Manila")
6. How did the passengers of his flight back look at him and how did he feel?

1. How did he feel when he went back to New York?
2. How did his relationship with Erica change after sleeping in his flat?
3. What seemed to happen to Erica more and more often and how did he react to it?
4. How does he feel when Erica recounts her story with Chris?
5. Why do you think Changez said on page 105 that "it's going to be a night of some importance? (the very last paragraph of the chapter)

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