miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2020

The best 2020 news

 We all know that the year we are about to leave behind has been a "dark" one. The Covid-19 has really marked our lives and has reminded us how vulnerable we really are. But despite the bad moments, despite the people who are not with us anymore, despite the weird way of life we have to live now, we have to remember the good moments we have experienced and the good things that surround us and were unnoticed until now. 

I have to say that along the lockdown and thanks to the time to spent every evening applauding to support our health staff and trying to cheer up our neighbours, we got to know a lot of fantastic people who live close to us but we had never had a chance to meet before. That's something really positive that will remain with us for ever.

I'm sure you also have lots of positive things to remember this year 2020. Let's try to stick to them and remember the good moments instead of crying over the bad experiences. Remember that every cloud has a silver lining!

Click here to remember or maybe get to know some good news. I'm sure you'll face the new year in a better mood: 

Best of 2020

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